
Strengths and humility

“What’s your greatest strength?”

That’s the last rapid-fire question I’ve asked every podcast guest thus far and, almost without fail, it’s met with a degree of hesitation.

It’s understandable. We aren’t supposed to openly talk about the things we do well. Humility is commonly understood to mean apparent low-regard for our own ability.

But realizing and acknowledging our strengths goes a long way.

If you think about sports, it’s crazy to imagine that a high-level athlete could go through their career without observing, and taking advantage of, their strengths. A quick receiver with great hands should play a very different style than a long, fast receiver. Just as an introvert who learns quickly should work differently than an extrovert who naturally builds deep, trusting relationships.

There’s nothing boastful about acknowledging our strengths (and our weaknesses). If anything, it’s necessary if we want to maximize our contributions.

P.S. I’ve had some fascinating guests on the podcast lately that you might like:
