
All or nothing

On a recent interview with Tim Ferriss, Kevin Hart said the following,

“If I’m going to do something, then I should never do it halfway. And that means that if I do want to do it halfway, I’m not going to do it. If I’m not doing it to show what I can do to the best of my ability, then why am I doing it?

If you ask me to come work out with you, and I come workout and I bulls*** the workout, then why did I workout?

If you ask me to go to the movie and I fall asleep as soon as I get in there, then why did I go to the movie? Why didn’t I just say I want to stay home?

If you ask me to go and get up early with you so we can go look at these apartments or housing complexes and I get down there and I have a negative attitude, then why the f*** did I go?”

It’s an interesting thought as we head into the day. Why not use today as a trial, to make sure we don’t do anything halfway? To make the decision to either give something your all, physically, mentally, and emotionally, or to simply not do it.
