
Seeing the Future

When making bets on the future, we can play it safe. We can wait until we have enough information to make an informed decision before we move.

The risk is low. It’s unlikely that we’ll stick our neck out too far and get burnt.

But the potential upside is similarly low. If we wait for all of the information, we lose the benefit of moving first.

So there’s an alternative – we can leap. We can make an educated decision with imperfect data, and live with the consequences.

This approach is far more likely to result in a negative result. But it’s also typically the only chance we have to realize tremendous upside. It’s how many of the largest start-ups have grown and it’s how technology leaders across the globe keep their standing.

Depending on the situation, sometimes it makes sense to play it safe. Sometimes it makes more sense to leap.

Unfortunately this determination is often the toughest part.
