
Writer’s block?

This is the 277th blog post I’ve written.

When I started, I was concerned that I might run out of things to say.

I don’t tend to talk much or care to share my opinions, so it seemed like the pool of potential article ideas was limited.

But as I got used to writing, and then I upped the frequency to 5 times per week, I noticed an interesting development. Once I got through the first few “obvious” things I wanted to write, it didn’t get harder to come up with ideas. It actually became easier.

I was forced to pay more attention to the world around me, and my reactions to everyday events.

Once I did that, the ideas started flowing.

Admittedly some are better than other, but each day several thoughts pop in my head. I try to write as soon as I get inspiration, but more often than not, I have to wait. I jot down the topic and then expand once I have a few minutes to spend on a computer.

The process itself isn’t particularly interesting, but the underlying concept is.

Ideas aren’t rare. We just have to be present and have the curiosity to explore them.
