
The joy of letting it go

What’s the youngest age at which a US president took office?

The beauty of the connected world we live in is that you can look that up right now.

If you’re sitting on the couch and you think of a random question, the answer is just a simple Google search away.

If you’re with friends and a silly debate comes up, you don’t have to suffer trying to remember the answer. Just look it up.

But just because we can doesn’t mean that we should.

Does it really matter who the youngest President was?

Teddy Roosevelt took office at 42.

Is your life any better now that you know that? Of course not.

It’s so easy to instantly scratch our itch when something silly comes up, but I’d argue that we should spend more time just letting it go

The value we get from searching, or checking our phone, for the 100th time is minimal. And the price, in terms of lost attention and presence, isn’t trivial.
