
Reflecting on 2019

The start of the new year presents a natural opportunity to do something that we should all do more often: reflect.

It’s easy to get caught up in the present, or focused on the great things we want to do in the future, but we have to remember to occasionally take the time to look back.

Tim Ferriss has a simple method that I’ve found to be particularly inspiring.

Simply by looking at some event or time frame (for example, the entire year 2019) you ask yourself two questions:

  • Which things had a positive impact on me and my life?
  • Which things had a negative impact on me and my life?

From there, the objective is simple. As much as we can choose, we should strive to do more of the positive things and less of the negative as we move forward.

It isn’t complicated, but it seems to be quite powerful, particularly if you take the time to write down your outcomes and take it seriously.

With 2019 in the rearview mirror, why not take a few minutes to reflect?
