

Can two completely opposite answers both be right?

If someone who already lifts heavy weights wants to improve their health, the most impactful thing they can do is changing to higher reps and focusing on mobility exercises. On the other hand, if someone has spent the last 10 years focused on high reps and mobility, they would be wise to spend time focused on low reps and heavy weights.

It’s even more obvious in some contexts.

Some people need to be reminded to keep their mouths closed and listen. Others need to be encouraged to speak up.

Some people respond best to tough love and pressure. Others need their hand held.

If we feel the need to appear consistent in everything we do and say, we’ll miss the message sometime.

The important thing is to be consistent at the foundation and to understand why we’re doing something.

The specific what and how? That can, and should, change based on the situation.
