We tend to compare. When we look at a sunset, we think about how it stacks up against other sunsets we’ve seen. When we eat a meal, we compare it to other dining experiences to decide whether we like it. Rather than experiencing the moment as what it is, we get stuck in the past. …
Blog Archive
Short and straight
“Old man golf” can be infuriating. The seasoned amateur golfer might not play the game the way we picture it. They hit two full swings to get on the green on a par 4; three, or sometimes four, to reach a par 5. They play a game that doesn’t look anything like what we see …
Reflecting – Cool stories
The cool stories, are the one’s that while you’re in it, suck Tom Bilyeu, Peter Attia Drive -Brandon
Utilizing the off-hours
There’s something exciting about working when we aren’t “supposed to.” I used to prefer training for sports in the early morning or at night. It gave me the feeling that I was putting in effort that was not only making me better, but it was also improving my standing relative to the competition since I …
The taste of water
Water doesn’t have just one taste. A mid-afternoon glass of water while sitting on the couch feels a lot different than that same water after hard physical labor in the blazing sun. The experience is relative. It feels (tastes) better to earn the reward. -Brandon
Expected values
Quick, consistent feedback is encouraging. I like that I can hit a golf ball and instantly get feedback based on my swing. I can then make adjustments, and minutes later, get closer to (or sometimes further from) my desired outcome. It’s much tougher when the feedback is sporadic. I’ve written before about the challenges of …
It doesn’t get any better than this
When’s the best time in a person’s life? When I was in high school, I was convinced that I had hit the summit. I had no real responsibilities, and I was loving every day. I saw my friends and girlfriend everyday, and I got to spend almost all of my free time playing sports. It …
Reflecting – bad practice
Bad practice is worse than no practice Dave Pelz -Brandon
A longer conversation
There’s an interesting trend in podcasts. Whereas the general trend in the modern economy is to produce progressively shorter and easier to digest content, many of my favorite podcasts now last 2 or 3 hours. One of the enablers for this format is the ease of production. Rather than spending absurd amounts of time and …
With the wind
The strange thing about riding with the wind is that we don’t appreciate it until we turn around. Only then, when we’re struggling to claw our way back against the wind, do we realize how much we had been helped before. -Brandon