
A new chapter

As you may have noticed, I haven’t been posting as regularly lately, and the posts have stopped altogether over the past week or so. Unfortunately, this is a trend that I expect to continue for the foreseeable future.

I’ve enjoyed regularly sharing my thoughts through this site and having the chance to interact with the great community that has grown here. However, continuing to say “yes” to one activity takes away time and attention from others, and I’ve determined that I need to prioritize other areas of my life at this time. Thus, the regular daily emails that I’ve been sending will be stopping (at least for now).

I can’t say thank you enough to those of you who have followed along during this journey. This has been a lot of fun for me, I’ve learned a ton, and I hope you’ve gotten something out of it.

I doubt this will be the last you hear from me. As long as you stay subscribed, I’ll provide an update for new activities I undertake, or if anything interesting comes across that I want to share.

In the meantime, if you want to follow along with my latest creative outlet, please check out my interview-style Future of Mobility podcast ( I’ve had conversations with technical leaders at OEMs, CEOs of start-ups, the head of a venture capital firm, and more – all talking about the various aspects of the technology that’s transforming the transportation industry, including things like electrification and automated vehicles.

If, like me, you believe that creating a safer and more sustainable world is a worthwhile ambition, then you might really like the podcast. If you do, or otherwise want to support this effort, it would mean a lot to me if you could leave a 5-star rating through Apple Podcasts. These ratings go a long way to help the podcast reach a wider audience, and encourage higher-profile guests to participate.

If you’ve enjoyed the daily format of this blog over the past few years, I highly recommend that you consider subscribing to Ryan Holiday ( and/or Seth Godin ( They’ve both had a tremendous impact on me and provide great insights on themes similar to what I’ve been writing about.

Thanks again.


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