Writing a goal is easy.
Even tracking towards a goal is fairly simple once the goal is set.
The major challenges come earlier.
First, we have to figure out which way we want to steer. A goal is useless if we later determine that we didn’t set the right target.
And second, we have to buy into the goal.
There’s a big difference in the actions of someone who sort-of believes that what they’re doing is important, and someone who knows with all their heart that they need to accomplish their objective.
The struggle is that these two aspects are by far the hardest. And they’re related.
It’s hard to truly buy into a goal if you don’t believe, without doubt, that you’re going in the right direction.
And, although it might seem simple, the task of creating meaningful goals is anything but easy. It isn’t done in one sitting, or even a day. It’s the culmination of the effort it takes to really understand the situation, as well as how that situation fits in our lives.