
Different sources of information

Good sources of information are tough to come by, particularly given all the noise thanks to the open platform that the internet gives us.

So when we find a source we like, it can be easy to make that our go-to.

Generally, this isn’t a problem, but it becomes a challenge if we let this single source of information be the only one we listen to.

When I started listening to podcasts, I started with the Tim Ferriss Show. Many of the topics overlap with my areas of interest, and I enjoyed the information I was learning, so for the first 6 months or so, this was the only podcast I listened to.

Only after I started branching out did I realize what I was missing.

I still listen to the Tim Ferriss Show occasionally, but I also shuffle between close to a dozen other podcasts. Not because I get less out of the Tim Ferriss Show now, but because the other information helps to fill the gaps in my learning and to keep me from succumbing to groupthink.

When we only get our information from one source, it can be easy to think that everyone around us is gathering the same information and thinking as we are. But that’s rarely the case.
