That’s what a sign at my gym reads.
It’s right next to one of the six deadlift platforms at the gym, and it’s directly over the rack of rubber-coated weights.
Does the sign mean that it’s ok to use any type of plate on the platform, but that you have to use this specific platform if you want to use the rubber plates?
Or does it mean that you can use the rubber plates wherever you want, but you must use rubber plates if you want to use this specific platform.
Honestly, I don’t know. I think it’s most likely the second option, but either are correct grammatically.
I’m sure the meaning is crystal-clear to whomever wrote the sign, yet it’s actually open for interpretation.
And these types of situations happen more than we might realize.
I doubt it’s a big deal if someone uses a metal plate on the special platform, but what happens when this type of ambiguity comes through when the stakes are higher?